Health Benefits of Clove Tea

Cloves have been used in Asian cuisine for centuries. This spice is prized not only for its fragrant and flavorful aroma but also for its medicinal and healing properties. Drinking clove tea is one method to include cloves in your diet. Our lives wouldn’t be fulfilled without tea, and nothing gets the day beginning like a good cup of tea.

The aromatic flower buds of the Myrtaceae species Syzygium aromaticum produce cloves. They originate from Indonesia’s Maluku Islands and are commonly used as a spice, taste, or aroma in consumer items like toothpaste, soaps, and cosmetics.

Drinking clove tea is one of the best ways to help with viral or bacterial illnesses brought on by the changing seasons. In addition to strengthening your immunity and assisting in weight loss, it can also bring relief from a range of other problems.

It’s a great nutritional supplement

Cloves have great nutritional advantages as a spice. One teaspoon of powdered cloves contains 3% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C, 4% of the RDI of vitamin K, 30% of the RDI of the mineral manganese, and trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E.


Furthermore, it is a good source of fiber. Antioxidants like vitamin C and eugenol can help delay the onset of chronic illness, while manganese is crucial for strong bones.

It relieves toothache and gum pain

Cloves contain many anti-inflammatory ingredients that help to reduce gum swelling. For this reason, gargling warm clove tea can help you relieve toothaches and gum pain. Clove tea helps to quickly relieve toothache and gum pain by removing bacteria from your mouth. Here are some quick fixes for your dental issues, including toothaches, foul breath, and yellow teeth.

Treatment for sinus infections

To get rid of infections and experience prompt relief from sinus pain, sip on a cup of warm clove tea, especially in the morning. Clove is a potent expectorant because it contains eugenol, which helps to remove congested phlegm and infuse the area with heat. Clove has more antioxidant and antibacterial qualities than most fruits and vegetables. Instead of taking medication to relieve mild cough and throat irritations, try organic clove, which works well.


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Reduces fever

Clove tea is a nutrient-rich beverage because it contains high levels of magnesium and abundant amounts of vitamin E and vitamin K. Clove tea prevents bacterial infection because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, because it is antipyretic, it lowers body temperature while also enhancing immunity.

Helps in combating diabetes

Cloves may help those who have diabetes or prediabetes. It is possible that clove can help lower blood sugar (glucose) levels both before and after meals. While preparing clove tea, polyphenolic compounds get extracted, and this helps to regulate blood sugar. A study reported significant decreases in the glucose levels of healthy volunteers who consumed a polyphenolic clove extract.


It Improves digestion and reduces weight

Before a meal, drinking a cup of clove tea can assist boost saliva production and blood flow, which improves food digestion. In addition to these advantages, clove tea stimulates gastric secretions and has analgesic properties that alleviate stomach pain and acidity caused by indigestion or flatulence.

This tea also has strong anti-emetic (anti-nausea) properties. Because digestion and weight loss are closely related processes, the substances in cloves can help you lose weight by improving digestion. Spices are also known to increase metabolic rate, which speeds up the fat-burning process.

It can eradicate intestinal parasites

Since ancient times, clove tea has been used to get rid of intestinal parasites. Parasites are organisms that derive their nutrition from, or at the expense of, their hosts. Numerous such parasites in our intestines are harmful and cause many gastrointestinal issues. Clove has anti-inflammatory components that help the body rid itself of parasites and alleviate their symptoms, including stomach discomfort and abdominal pain.


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Eases the discomfort of arthritis

Try an ice-cold clove tea compress for great pain relief if you have arthritis and its excruciating agony. Applying cold compresses along with clove tea helps joint pain, muscular soreness, edema, and ligament injury because cloves are considered to be potent analgesics.

To relieve arthritic pain, use the compress for 20 minutes twice or three times daily.

Reduces acne


Clove tea has good concentrations of clove oil, which helps combat zits and pimples, though the essential oil, also used in aromatherapy, is more well-known as a natural spot treatment for acne.

An in vivo study found that ethanolic clove extract with eugenol reduced an associated inflammatory response and lowered the activity of the bacteria P. acnes. As P. acnes links to acne, this encourages the potential benefits of clove oil as a treatment for acne and pimples.

Prevention of food poisoning

Clove tea, along with the bud’s essential oils, has been shown in a study to help reduce the growth of E. coli, Salmonella, and listeria, a common bacteria known to cause food-borne disease, suggesting it may be beneficial in preventing food poisoning.

In terms of antibacterial activity, safety, and scent, a review found that clove oil, specifically the ingredient eugenol, outperforms potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and other chemical food preservatives. Clove oil and eugenol have positive effects on safety, aromaticity, and antibacterial and antifungal action.


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Helps to treat urinary tract infections

According to studies, clove ethanolic extract (CEE) has antibacterial properties against bacteria that cause both Gram-negative and Gram-positive urinary tract infections. Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as Gram-positive bacteria like Streptococcus and Staphylococcus, have been discovered to be sensitive to the antibacterial properties of clove oil.

The rich benefits of clove oil can be observed with the regular intake of clove tea.

Alleviates Sexual Wellness


Historically, men have used clove oil to improve their overall sexual function. Clove tea increases testosterone and improves blood flow if used regularly. Ideally, this would boost libido, improve the quality of erections, and prevent premature ejaculation.

It is now a well-known fact that cloves can increase a man’s sexual desire, thus strengthening his overall sexual health. A study discovered that the clove essential oil’s ingredient, eugenol helps diabetic rats with erectile dysfunction.

Combats Cancer

Clove tea may be very useful for cancer patients. There is some evidence that suggests cloves may combat cancer, albeit the study is in its early stages. According to a scientific study, cloves kill numerous cancer cell types.

According to one research, cloves kill colon cancer cells and prevent their multiplication. Another study found cloves to be effective against breast cancer cell lines. Further research also points out that cloves in the lab killed 80% of esophageal cancer cells.


Cures skin diseases

Clove tea is essential in treating a variety of skin issues since it is packed with antibacterial properties. Clove tea contains volatile oils that aid in the body’s cleansing. It treats cuts on the skin and mends external wounds. You can also rub this tea onto your skin to prevent skin scrapes, ringworm, and other fungal skin illnesses like athlete’s foot.

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Serves as a natural disinfectant

Few people are aware of the excellent hand sanitizer properties of cold clove tea. Simply massage your hands together after sprinkling clove tea on them. Friction will be produced as a result, helping to remove the dirt and bacterial load on the skin.


The fact that it is natural and, as a result, has no adverse effects, unlike commercially available hand sanitizer, is even more intriguing.

How to brew clove tea?

Prepare the pounded cloves by grinding one tablespoon of whole cloves. Now Put a cup of water and the cloves into a pan and bring them to a boil. Leave it to boil for 3 to 4 minutes. Then leave it to cool, then strain it before serving. Adding a teaspoon of honey can make the tea sweeter.

For best results, sip this tea first thing in the morning. Be careful not to utilize excessively of the combination. Keep in mind that anything in excess might be harmful to your well-being.



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