Does Allopathy Really Cure?

Allopathy is the term used to describe the entire method of employing certain medications or syrups to combat or even eradicate the germs that enter your body.

Our body is a marvelous machine that is designed to not only survive but also thrive. Mankind has existed for centuries and has evolved to fight against diseases. If you happen to fall and get an injury, after a couple of weeks, you would find your wound healing itself without any external medical intervention. This is what is called immunity.

Why do we fall sick? Does allopathy cure? What is immunity? How does immunity play a role in good health? How to improve immunity and live a healthy life?

Why do we fall sick?

When an external threat (germs like bacteria, viruses, etc.) called “antigens” enters the body, the body regards it as an enemy. With aid of DNA, our body searches through the history of disease and formulates an immune response to the antigen. When the antigen is stronger and can resist our immune response or when our body is unable to create a strong immune response due to poor health, or lack of nutrition to create a better immune response, we fall ill.


Apart from external antigens entering our body and causing illness, there is another entirely different aspect of illness that is caused by ourselves. This is due to stress and worries which secrete hormones beyond the recommended limit that can be detrimental to our health. Our mindset plays a vital role in positively or negatively impacting cure, which will be discussed in another separate article.

Immunity gets to work

Immunity is the body’s inbuilt mechanism to cure and fight disease. When an antigen enters the body for the first time, the body studies the antigen and creates effector T and B cells which creates and activates cells to fight the disease. This is the primary immune response.

Once the disease has been fought successfully, the body stores the remedy in form of memory T and memory B cells. Whenever the same antigen attacks again, the body will fight against the organism by retrieving the same formula from the memory cells, and this time much faster in time and stronger in response. This is a secondary immune response.

When does immunity fail?


Immunity fails due to birth deficiencies where the body’s immune system does not function properly and this condition is rare. Most of the time immunity fails due to insufficient nutrition in the body. This is because of a poor diet that lacks fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, grains, and other nutritious food.

When the body lacks nutrition, the immunity will not have the required ingredients to prepare a proper immune response. This causes the immune system to fail. However, when we begin to consume foods that have the required nutrition in sufficient quantities aid our immune system to prepare the attack immediately against the pathogen.

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What allopathy does do to the immune system?

Medication is a final resort when we become ill and no other treatment is effective as a protective measure from falling into a critical or emergency condition. At some point in our lives, we all rely on them without being aware of the risks associated with allopathic medications. When your body can’t fight the infections on its own or can’t kill the germs at the correct time due to the reasons mentioned above, medications are a lifesaver. When all other methods of treatment fall short, medications serve as the only means of battling, getting rid of, and even avoiding illness altogether.


Allopathic medicines kill the pathogenic microorganisms directly without involving our natural immune response.

The danger is that regular dependence on allopathic treatment would result in our immune system becoming ineffective in finding cures against antigens and generating a suitable immunological response. Regular use of allopathy suppresses our immune system and it becomes weaker over time. And when we reach this stage it will be harder for us to be set free from allopathic medication, and make us depend on allopathy even for simple illnesses.

Allopathic treatment approach and harmful effects

Numerous allopathic medications are available to combat the germs in various ways, either by killing them or by halting their production. Some of the treatment methods include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Treatment for high blood pressure
  • Chemotherapy
  • Drugs for migraines

Some medications that are recommended by doctors can also be used to replace hormones that the body is no longer producing. For instance, a diabetic patient has typically prescribed insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas that aids in controlling blood sugar levels. However, when the body is not holistically treated, the patient is given an increased dose of these harmful medicines which compromises kidney health, and results in amputation of feet or legs, and eventually, permanent damage to kidneys. Thyroid hormones (in hypothyroidism), Estrogen, and Testosterone are hormones prescribed which can eventually harm health.


Additionally, allopathic doctors can write you a prescription for over-the-counter pharmaceuticals such as cough syrup, pain relievers (such as ibuprofen and aspirin), muscle relaxants, sore throat remedies, etc.

Allopathy treats the disease rather than the overall health

There is no cure for allopathy. Instead of removing the causes of an illness, allopathy just treats its symptoms. As a result, treating something as best as possible is not a holistic strategy. The illness could recur, resulting in time and financial costs.

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Allopathic medications may kill good bacteria


Allopathic medications may interact with other drugs and have negative side effects that lessen the efficacy of other treatments. They eradicate the body’s natural defensive microorganisms (weaken the immune system), which could promote the development of harmful germs.

The pop-a-pill method of treatment

Allopathy doctors don’t get a lot of information about your diet or healthy lifestyle. They can offer some advice on diet and exercise, but not on significant lifestyle changes.

Instead of gradually curing an illness or emergency without medical assistance, allopathy prefers to recommend swallowing a pill.

Drugs suppress instead of cure


Allopathic drugs and medications only temporarily suppress symptoms or alter how the body operates; they do not treat the underlying sickness that is the source of the issue. Allopathic drug use over a long period may have some persistent, concealed negative effects that may later become life-threatening.

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Invasive techniques could be risky

Strong drug overdose situations, which might result in fatal incidents, are rather prevalent. Your dependence on these painkillers increases your risk of a drug overdose, which can result in organ failure or death.

Treatment ignoring the big picture


Allopathy doctors frequently overlook appropriate diagnoses and minute nuances as a result of their extremely busy schedules and extensive waiting lists of patients. Additionally, there is a danger of receiving a false diagnosis, the incorrect allopathic course of treatment, or both. On the other hand, if you use natural cures, you probably won’t get into any trouble.

Allopathy does not weigh the benefits and drawbacks

Commonly, allopathic medications are recommended based on acute symptoms rather than latent symptoms or underlying reasons. The doctors frequently disparage what works for diverse bodies. The main goal of the entire allopathy market is quick and fast treatment at the expense of sustainable healthy living.

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This is primarily due to our impatience to solve issues as quickly as feasible and to avoid enduring pain. As such, we use allopathy to treat illnesses swiftly, if only temporarily. And as a result of our haste and impatience, we frequently disregard the obvious downsides of allopathic medicines, which may prove to be problematic in the long run if used consistently.


Finally, whenever something is affecting your body, mind, or wellness, it is always important to analyze it thoroughly, regardless of how nice a treatment method appears to be initially. You should always strive to choose natural or home cures before turning to allopathy. Additionally, it is crucial to be knowledgeable about medications to treat any illness and promote long-term health. Additionally, you should self-examine any changes to your body that might occur as a result of a disease so that you can recognize any symptoms that may be severe.

Sadly, money still plays a significant role in today’s world. Instead of spending money on allopathic medications, you should consider a natural cure instead of seeking an immediate fix for a condition.

Always look for ways through which you can alleviate the problem by making dietary or lifestyle adjustments.


In the case of a serious sickness, it is usually advisable to seek a second or even third opinion. In emergency cases and in a situation where immediate medical or surgical attention is needed, go to allopathy and don’t think twice. Then seek better alternative treatments like homeopathy, herbal, naturopathy et cetera. These few recommendations could make your experience with allopathy less unpleasant. Create a wellness plan to improve your health.

Keep in mind that you are responsible for your health! So, take good care of it and choose wisely when it comes to your health.

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